пятница, 3 июня 2016 г.

BIOS 117 / BIOS117 / BIOS/117 Week 4 Midterm exam (NEW 2016)

BIOS 117 / BIOS117 / BIOS/117 Week 4 Midterm exam (NEW 2016)

HOMEWORK Description
BIOS 117 / BIOS117 / BIOS/117Week 4 Midterm exam (NEW 2016)
1. (TCO3) The molecule that is made during transcription is:
2. (TCO3) What are the correct base-pairing rules for DNA:
3. (TCO3) Which cell structure forms an internal framework inside the cell and is made of microtubules, intermediate filaments, and microfilaments
4. (TCO3) The movement of fluid through the cell membrane from a high pressure area to a lower pressure area is called:
5. (TCO5) Melanocytes are found in the:
6. (TCO5) Which of the following is an indication of melanoma
7. (TCO5) Which of the following is a vital function of the skin:
8. (TCO5) Which of the following relationships is incorrect:
9. (TCO4) The type of muscle found in the walls of hollow organs, such as the stomach, and in the walls of blood vessels is:
10. (TCO4) Which of these characteristics best describes cardiac muscle tissue:
11. (TCO4) Identify the type of tissue that is found in lymph nodes, the spleen, and bone marrow
12. (TCO4) Which of the following is NOT connective tissue

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